Hotel Busignani

  • Tipologia: Hotel
  • Provincia: Rimini
  • Località: Rimini
Guests can enjoy free internet. Rooms at Hotel Busignani come with a flat-screen TV, air conditioning and a work desk.

During your stay, take advantage of some of the services on offer, such as 24-hour reception, concierge and newspaper. Guests of Hotel Busignani also have access to an on-site lounge. For travelers arriving by car, private parking on site is available for a fee

During your stay at Hotel Busignani, travelers can visit Piazza Cavour (2.2 km) and Antica Pescheria di Piazza Cavour (2.2 km), some of the main attractions of Rimini.

With a stay at Hotel Busignani, you’ll be convenient to Bounty, Ristorante Molo 22 and Osteria delle storie di mare.

If you are looking for things to do, why not try Rimini center (1.9 km), Borgo San Giuliano (1.6 km) or Ponte di Tiberio (1.7 km), among the most popular attractions for tourists and within walking distance from here?

You will spend a fantastic stay at Hotel Busignani and from here you can easily discover the best that Rimini has to offer.
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Call Center  
Urgencies     +39  3927295199
WhatsApp    +39  3927295199
Namiro Srls 
Office:  Via Fratelli Wright civ. 49/a
00043 Ciampino (Roma)

Tour Operator MB8HOLIDAYS License n. GR1097292 Regione Lazio

Insurance Company: WeBind Insurance policy n.°: 110839191


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